About This Project

Hi, I’m Malintzi.

I create educational and uplifting content grounded in historical truths and evidence.


I’m a Latinx woman who wants to share my story and perspective with you.

I want to create a safe space for us to learn about ourselves so that we can better understand each other.


The internet is flooded with noise and destructive content, but I believe that we can find peace through understanding the latinx identity a bit more deeply through history, art and writing.


I solve this problem by sharing my personal research in my academic journey and through my professional pursuits.

I want to help you understand where you come from and how we got here. Then, together, we’ll figure out where the heck we should go from here.

Because the world is changing for us—and it’s about time we got involved in making sure it’s changing for the better!

Higher education and academia are daunting or completely out of reach for some people, I don’t believe that lack of access to the knowledge, theory and literature should detain anyone from finding themselves deeper and grounding it in historical narrative, which is where this project comes in! 


Malintzi’s POV is a research and performance project that functions as a platform to share the work of Nansy Lizbeth Blake-Lopez. 

Liz Lopez

Art Historian, Curator & Educator

Nansy Lizbeth “Liz” Blake-Lopez (also Lopez-Gutierrez) is the Curator of Education at the UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures in San Antonio, Texas. She has specialized in American Contemporary Art & Culture since the 1960s, particularly focusing on hybridity, identity, and memory. In her current position at the Institute of Texan Cultures, she has developed multicultural curricula and revitalized the educational resources available to educators and students on the museum website. As well as creating an engaging online learning experience for families that underscores the importance of understanding diversity in our world today through the use of oral histories, videos, and virtual exhibits. 

Read her Thesis

See her CV

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